SurePlan Blog

The top 4 benefits of online driver training

Written by Gordon Brown | Sep 11, 2018 1:45:00 AM

How do you minimise accidents with a mobile workforce?

It’s hard to know where to begin, especially when the liability falls directly on your shoulders - creating a culture of safe, responsible driving is an important task. Therefore, any activity that promotes driver safety is worth pursuing, for both staff safety and company longevity.

Implementing an online driver training programme is an excellent way to reduce your fleet risk, in a way that’s sometimes even more practical than live driving courses.

In this blog, we discuss some of the special advantages of online training in protecting both your employees and your business. 


Learn all you need to know about Driver Training here.


1. Lower cost

Online driver education is often less expensive than in-person classes for a number of reasons. 

For one, professional driving schools have expenses that go above and beyond just the teaching. As a business, their operational costs and overhead will likely factor into the fee you will pay to put a team of drivers through the classes.

In addition, other liabilities and costs such as student safety and vehicle insurance may come into play, depending on how the professional training is conducted.

With an online programme, most of those costs don't exist. What you pay for is simply the material itself, which ultimately saves your business money for driving instruction that’s equal or better in quality. 


2. Flexible pace 

Everybody learns a little bit differently. With traditional classroom driving instruction, there’s often a set schedule that groups of students must conform to. There may be little or no flexibility in the timing of class sessions and the date of completion for the training. 

Online driver training allows students to complete the course at a pace that’s natural and comfortable for them. 


3. Greater accessibility

Online driver training makes essential material and resources available to your drivers anytime, anywhere. 

While traditional driving schools have fixed, inflexible classes, an online programme can be used 24/7, wherever there’s a reliable connection to the internet. 

That gives employees the ability to complete training modules in a convenient setting, even if they have demanding schedules at work and at home.

The accessibility of online training also relieves any pressure on you to coordinate in-person classes and fit them into hectic work schedules. By simply having your drivers log on when they can to complete required training modules, you can rest assured that they will be upskilled, no matter what.


4. Emphasis on safety 

Online driver classes are great for honing in on essential driving safety skills. With an online programme, students can gain a critical awareness of traffic laws, responsible driving behaviour, the meanings of road signs, and more, so that they avoid collisions and stay safe behind the wheel.

Unlike in-person classes, students can focus on memorising the most important safety concepts and refreshing themselves in areas they’re less confident in, instead of being distracted by the pace of a live course and ending up with dangerous ‘blind spots’ in their road skills.

Online instruction can reinforce your drivers’ knowledge about undistracted driving, handling bad weather and risky road conditions, vehicle troubleshooting, and other key safety issues. Allowing drivers to study on their own time — where they can repeat the material and ‘test’ themselves — will ensure the safety lessons that matter most are fully ingrained.

High-quality online driver training will improve fleet risk and prevent accidents from happening. It’s been proven time and again. The freedom in pacing, accessibility, lower cost, and focus on safety that online driver training can provide all help to keep your employees safer, your vehicles better maintained, and your fleet operations in better overall shape. 

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